Still from Meat Love, directed by Jan Švankmajer, 1989
Join us at the London Review Bookshop to celebrate the launch of Amber Husain’s new book Meat Love, which explores how meat-eating has become irretrievably enmeshed with capitalist desire. Husain will be in conversation with the essayist and critic Rebecca May Johnson, whose recent book Small Fires: An Epic in the Kitchen (Pushkin, 2022) touches on many of the same revolutionary themes.
Tuesday 20 June
19:00 BST
London Review Bookshop
14 Bury Pl
London, WC1A 2JL
Tickets available here
About Meat Love
In Meat Love, Amber Husain deconstructs the beauty, tragedy, and mystery with which our images of meat are embellished, drawing on a range of visual sources from contemporary art and film to Instagram and advertising. Probing the nature of ‘love’ in contemporary human-animal relations, this illustrated essay casts a materialist’s critical eye on the visual culture of meat as it gentrifies and mutates, informing, for better or for worse, our political imaginations.
Find out more and order copies here