Past Events

Richard Mosse: picturing crisis in 'INCOMING'

Thursday 14 May 2020

Join artist Richard Mosse for a talk and screening of extracts from his critically-acclaimed film 'INCOMING', which documents the ongoing struggles of refugees and migrants across Europe in a vivid, harrowing work created using a military grade heat-map camera. In partnership with SFMOMABarbican CentreCarlier Gebauer and Help Refugees. Donate to Help Refugees' Coronovirus emergency appeal here.

David Campany on 'A Handful of Dust'

Sunday 10 May 2020

Join writer and curator David Campany as he discusses A Handful of Dust, which takes a photograph signed by Man Ray and Marcel Duchamp as the starting point for a radical and ambitious history of the last century. 

Maja Daniels: photographing myth and mystery in Scandanavia

Sunday 3 May 2020

Join Maja Daniels for a talk and film screening about her project Elf Dalia, which takes us through the myths and mysteries surrounding a remote valley in northern Sweden, spanning witchcraft, Old Norse, and an intriguing 19th Century photographer and inventor who lived there. 

With an exclusive extract from Maja Daniels’ film 'In my Head,’ a collaboration with sound artist Jonathan Maurice.

Ron Jude: a tour of my bookshelf (& records!)

Thursday 30 April 2020

Join Ron Jude at his home in Eugene, Oregon, for a talk about some books and records that have influenced his life and artistic practice over the years.

Lou Stoppard: Shirley Baker's Photographic Eye

Thursday 23 April 2020

Join writer, editor and curator Lou Stoppard as she talks about the life and work of Shirley Baker, whose photographs document the rapid economic and social change of the 1950s onwards with a uniquely compassionate and humorous eye, spanning the UK, France, Japan, the US, and beyond. In partnership with Village Books.

Alec Soth: a tour of my bookshelf

Thursday 16 April 2020

Join us for a live tour of Alec Soth’s personal library, in which he reflects on how books have always influenced his way of thinking about photography, the books he is currently reading, and the types of books he is drawn to and collects.